Tanya Diver 3

Tanya Diver

Principal Toxicologist


Tanya is a RSB/BTS and European Registered Toxicologist (ERT), and has over 30 years’ experience of identifying and critically evaluating toxicological data on a wide range of chemicals, as well as extensive experience in project management.

Over a period of about 8 years, Tanya drafted numerous literature reviews for Health Canada (including succinct summaries, fact sheets, robust study summaries, comprehensive hazard reviews and Toxicity Profiles), as well as peer reviewing documents prepared by Health Canada (screening health assessment reports and hazard reports). Over a similar period she provided peer review comments on many draft SIDS Initial Assessment Reports (SIARs) and Profiles (SIAPs) prior to their discussion at regular OECD SIDS Initial Assessment Meetings (SIAMs).

As well as working with government agencies, she has provided toxicological advice to a wide range of industrial sectors, preparing hazard reviews and carrying out risk assessments on numerous chemicals and formulations. With particular experience in the areas of food and food packaging, consumer goods and household products, she has applied the same skills in other sectors, including pharmaceuticals and medical devices (notably in the safety assessment of impurities), industrial chemicals (in particular, dossier preparation for REACH), and agrochemicals. She has also advised on issues relating to classification and labelling under EU CLP regulations (1272/2008, as amended) and the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).

Throughout her time at bibra, Tanya has been involved in the production of bibra’s monthly current awareness publication, Toxicology and Regulatory News, writing and/or peer-reviewing brief evaluative summaries describing critical developments and reports relevant to the field of mammalian toxicology.

In her early career at bibra, she wrote over fifty bibra Toxicity Profiles, co-authored a book (published in 1995) on the status of alternative methods in toxicology, and in 1986 was involved in the setting up of the in-house computerised database, TRACE, and its subsequent development.

As well as the daily cycle ride to work, Tanya enjoys Pilates and yoga in her spare time, plus pottering around her garden.

Tanya's case studies and blog posts

Summarising hazard data on food additives and contaminants

Case study

On a regular basis over a period of nearly 20 years, bibra has provided a multi-national company with first drafts, or updates, of concise reports on individual or groups of food additives and contaminants.

Pet food safety: How much do you know about what you feed your pets?

Blog articles

As they open the tin, harassed by their “best friend” or feline lodger, many pet owners must have at some time wondered about the quality of the product that they are adding to the food bowl. Click to read more about our work in pet food safety.

Literature monitoring for an industry group

Case study

The scientific literature can provide an early indicator of potential changes in the regulatory status of chemical substances. Organisations representing different chemical sectors may therefore provide services to their members that keep them up to date with the latest relevant publications on the toxicology of their chemicals in humans and other animals, as well as their persistence in the environment.

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