Pete Watts

Pete Watts

Toxicology Director


Pete, one of our two Toxicology Directors, is a RSB/BTS and European Registered Toxicologist (ERT), with an impressive 42 years of experience as a desk-based, bibra toxicologist and hazard/risk assessor. As a Toxicology Director, his primary goal is to ensure that clients receive a service in chemical hazard and risk assessment that is robust, transparent, independent, scientifically defensible, and delivered in a cost-effective and timely manner. His special interest is in the pragmatic application of risk assessment methodology to toxicity data sets, in order to derive robust conclusions on toxicological acceptability of exposures and on health risks to exposed populations.

Much of Pete’s workday is focused on hazard and risk assessment relating to extractables and leachables (e.g. for pharmaceutical, medical device and e-cigarette applications) and other pharmaceutical issues (e.g. DNA-reactive impurities, Qualification Thresholds). He is also routinely involved in REACH and the medical device, cosmetic, food, drink, agrochemical, biocide, consumer product and food-contact sectors, on a daily basis. Pete regularly gives presentations on health risk assessment at scientific meetings in Europe and the US.

Pete has worked as a Temporary Adviser to the WHO (in the CICADs programme) and has reviewed numerous documents for OECD SIAM/CoCAM meetings, as well as drafting a number of reviews under the Environment Agency’s CLEA and EAL projects. He co-authored an IRSST update report on TCE carcinogenicity and has published book chapters on carcinogen classification schemes and operator exposure to plant protection products.

Pete still relishes the opportunity to greet the working day. For him, the most rewarding aspect of working at bibra (aside for working with such great colleagues) is the opportunity to contribute to solving a client’s issue. He can then go home a happy bunny. When not juggling toxicity data sets, exposure scenarios and (bio)chemical reactions, Pete can often be found in a gym, on a squash court (he gets slower every year) or getting lost in the Surrey countryside. He likes salads, sunshine and Chelsea FC. At the top of his dislikes list are winter mornings and warm cider.

Pete's case studies and blog posts

Medical device submissions – protecting supplier confidentiality

Blog articles

We recently described – using a fruit label as an example – how an independent consultancy such as bibra could act as a third-party broker, providing a manufacturer with a safety evaluation of a multicomponent product while also protecting suppliers’ confidentiality over chemical composition. Here, we describe another example, in this case relating to a medical device submission to a Regulator or Notified Body.

Evaluating the health risks posed by extractables and leachables from an ENDS device

Case study

In order to market their latest product in the United States, the client was intending to submit a Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA) for a pod-based ENDS device.

Knowledge is key. Part 2: The bibra TRACE database (and supporting databank)

Blog articles

In Part 1, Peter Watts gave a potted history of his personal early experience in literature searching and toxicity data identification. Along with our colleagues of the same 'fine vintage', he weathered the storms of change, progressing from a time of back-strain (from carrying huge texts around) and index finger wear (turning pages) to dial-up and then to web-based searching. With your indulgence, Pete would now like to expand a little regarding TRACE and its value to clients and the bibra toxicologists.

Want to read more case studies and blog posts that Pete has been involved in? Click below to read more.

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