We have been providing chemical hazard and risk assessments for a variety of industries over the last 60+ years. We only use reliable references for our evaluations – many of which are identified by means of our in-house developed database, TRACE. We have a proven track record and an outstanding reputation, both of which are of critical importance to us.

Extractables + Leachables

We provide valuable support to the pharmaceutical, medical device and processing equipment industries by producing screening reports and, if warranted, full risk assessment reports relating to extractables and leachables (E&L).

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Medical Devices

We are adept at conducting biocompatibility assessments and biological safety evaluations of medical devices in compliance with ISO 10993, FDA and European guidelines, to help bring your device to market.

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Nicotine Products

We provide valuable advice on toxicological issues relating to e-cigarettes (and other nicotine delivery devices), and can support your regulatory submissions within the scope of EU TPD, UK TRPR and the US FDA PMTA.

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Food + Food Contact

Over many years our scientists have been providing independent assessments of the risks of chemical contamination of food and drink.

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Consumer Products (including Cosmetics)

We deliver assistance on toxicological issues related to regulations, hazard reviews and multi-component formulations on all consumer products, including cosmetics (and CPSRs).

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Plant Protection Products

If you have a product which is classified as a Plant Protection Product, whether it contains one or several active substances, our team of scientists can help.

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We can expertly support your biocide regulatory submissions, and work within IUCLID to effectively bring biocidal products to market.



Companies are adding cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids to a plethora of consumer products, including foods, e-cigarettes, and cosmetics. We can assess the safety of these products, flagging any toxicological concerns and identifying potential risks (for example to vulnerable sub-populations).



Our team is adept at preparing critical toxicological reports - we regularly provide assessments of novel or unexpected impurities, excipients and other intentionally-added substances, and extractables and leachables.

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We are a leading supplier of REACH compliance services, assisting chemical manufacturers, importers and downstream users comply with their REACH Regulation responsibilities.

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